Roof Tiles

Clay has been used as a roofing material since before the dawn of civilization. The clay products commonly found at archeological sites can be thousands of years old, and are a testament to the durability and long life of clay--two excellent qualities in a roofing material. Because clay tiles come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and styles, you are likely to find a tile that suits your structure perfectly. Insulating Properties One of the advantages of clay tiles that has kept them a staple for centuries is the ability of clay to insulate, keeping inside temperatures warm in winter and cool in summer. Combined with a natural ability to reflect, instead of absorb, heat from the sun, clay tiles can reduce the energy required to maintain comfortable temperatures in your home. Clay roofs are very common in the American Southwest, where staying cool is in many areas a year-round battle. An additional advantage is that clay tiles allow air to circulate both above and below them, cre...